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Enumeration BufferUsage

A enum specifying the intended usage pattern of the data store for optimization purposes.


Descriptions pulled from MDN.


Enumeration Members

staticDraw: 35044

The contents are intended to be specified once by the application, and used many times as the source for WebGL drawing and image specification commands.

dynamicDraw: 35048

The contents are intended to be respecified repeatedly by the application, and used many times as the source for WebGL drawing and image specification commands.

streamDraw: 35040

The contents are intended to be specified once by the application, and used at most a few times as the source for WebGL drawing and image specification commands.

staticRead: 35045

The contents are intended to be specified once by reading data from WebGL, and queried many times by the application.

dynamicRead: 35049

The contents are intended to be respecified repeatedly by reading data from WebGL, and queried many times by the application.

streamRead: 35041

The contents are intended to be specified once by reading data from WebGL, and queried at most a few times by the application

staticCopy: 35046

The contents are intended to be specified once by reading data from WebGL, and used many times as the source for WebGL drawing and image specification commands.

dynamicCopy: 35050

The contents are intended to be respecified repeatedly by reading data from WebGL, and used many times as the source for WebGL drawing and image specification commands.

streamCopy: 35042

The contents are intended to be specified once by reading data from WebGL, and used at most a few times as the source for WebGL drawing and image specification commands.

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